
Welcome to Southern Africa Yoga Safari's Blog!

Browse this page for news and latest information on Southern Africa Yoga Safaris. We will also be posting our next events, retreats and safaris on this page.

We will also be updating this page regularly with exciting articles, vegan recipes and other bits of information, so be sure to bookmark this page and check back soon!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

First few dates for Yoga retreats for early 2011

January 28th - 30th
Post Christmas de-toxifying retreat
All classes will be focused on helping the body eliminate the build up of toxins !
It is a perfect way to start the new year, prepare both the body and the mind for the challenges ahead.
R1100 all inclusive

February  21st - 25th
This is a beginners retreat and an introduction to the concept and philosophy of yoga !
This retreat is a must if you have always wanted to try yoga but do not want to be lost in a large class in the city. Here you are guaranteed personal attention and the classes will be focused on the correct execution of a few of the most basic of postures (asanas )
R2400 all inclusive

For more information call 0840902083 or mail us at cheryl@sayogasafaris.com

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas special - yoga de-tox

7th - 10th December at the Blue Butterfly in Tulbagh

Daily yoga, meditation, breath work, time out to read, hike, swim and relax. Re- charge before the busy season and unwind from the long year.

Experience peace, tranquility and the sounds of silence !

All inclusive R1995.00

Send this to your friends, bring 2 friends with you and you come for only R600.00

View photos below !

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Back to basics.....

Back to Basics

When we are born, we are soft and flexible;

When we die we grow hard and rigid,

So it is with all things under this heaven.

Plants and animals are soft and pliant in life;

But brittle and dry in death.

Truly to be dry and rigid is the way of death;

To be soft and flexible is the way of life.

(Tao Teh Ting)

Considering we are only as old as we feel, it is essential to feel youthful, flexible and energized.

Regular practice of just a few Yoga movements can achieve this for everyone.

By spending between 10-20 minutes daily, you can spare yourselves hours of pain and discomfort.

All you need is the will to learn the few movements and the discipline to practice them !

It’s really that simple !!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Meat free monday recipes

Lunch 2

Couscous and pickled ginger salad

Place 1 cup couscous in large bowl, cover with boiling water and stand for 8 minutes. Drain and rinse. Turn out and allow to drain on absorbent paper as much as possible. Rinse 50g pickled ginger, peel 1 medium apple and cut into thin strips, chop 3 onions finely, combine all together.

Make a vinaigrette:

¼ cup oil, apple cider vinegar, ¼ t oregano leaves, 1 T chopped chives. Combine all and mix well and add over couscous before serving.

Spinach, mushroom and leek phyllo bake

Fry 3 chopped onions, 2 bunches leeks, 1 pannet brown mushrooms, 2 packets chopped spinach together in olive oil and a little butter.

In a lasagne dish layer 2 sheets phyllo and top with layer veg mix sprinkled with feta, and so on until finished . End with phyllo layer and cut into squares before baking .

Meat free monday recipes

Dinner 2


Heat oil in a pan and fry 2 large onion chopped, add 2 large tomato chopped,2 banana peeled and sliced, and 2 cooking apples peeled and diced until soft. Remove from heat.

Take 4 slices wholewheat bread and soak it in 500ml of milk.

Squeeze milk out of bread and add bread to veg mix. Add 3 cups ground macadamia nuts ( or any nuts) 2 T curry powder, 2 T raisins, 2 t turmeric, 4 t apricot jam, 400ml vegetable stock.

Place in an oven dish , put 2 bay leaves in the centre and bake for 30 minutes.

Pour over the milk from the bread mixed with grated nutmeg and bake until set.

Serve with nutty brown rice

Serves about 6-8

Simply Delicious even if it sounds weird ! Try it, i dare you. Please comment on this dish.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Last retreat dates for 2010

15th – 18th November at Donkieskraal nature reserve (unique accommodation !)

This will be a gentle introduction into formal yoga practice. The idea is to cleanse both the body and the mind by learning basic yoga positions, breathwork and nutritious meals . There will be plenty of time to relax in between, as well as maybe a massage or two ! R1995.00

19th -23rd November at Blue Butterfly in Tulbagh

This is a “back to basics” yoga retreat ! Strengthen your support system, learn to move with stability and balanced execution of the asanas (yoga postures). Get in touch with your core, which is the secret to a stable and strong body, well prepared for any movements required of it. R2500.00 (weekend option only, also available at R1200.00)

7th – 10th December

This is a pre- Christmas de-tox yoga retreat. We will supply you with nutritious meals, yoga classes designed to help cleanse the body and internal organs, leaving you feeling energized and youthful. R1995.00

www.sayogasafaris.com for more photos and information about us.

Monday, October 18, 2010

De-tox weekend Tulbagh

We had a wonderful weekend , yet again, at the Blue Butterfly in Tulbagh. The mornings and evenings were crispy cold but the days were warm and relaxing. The energy of the great group of people, mixed with the tranquil surroundings, made for a relaxing yet energising weekend ! Many thanks to all in the group for all your energy and input ! I attach a few photos for your viewing :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

retreat competition

If you  are female, you stand a chance to attend the weekend de-tox retreat in Tulbagh this weekend. The question is : What does the word " safari " mean in an african language and where are the 2 main venues for the southern african yoga safaris. The 13th person to mail the correct answer to cheryl@sayogasafaris.com will win the free weekend !
Have fun :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thought for the week !

When you love everything, then you are attached to nothing !
And so you escape the wheel of time.
Book of Mirdad by Mikhail Naimy

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Last dates for 2010 yoga retreats

Yoga on a rock ! Last retreat dates for 2010

Last weekend retreat at Blue Butterfly Tulbagh 15th – 17th October

This is a de-tox weekend R1100.00

15th – 19th November at Donkieskraal nature reserve (unique accommodation !)

This is a X training yoga week. In other words it is yoga, as well as hiking, aqua class, circuit work and belly dancing ! This will be a gentle introduction into formal exercise and the day will end with a gentle yoga session. The idea is to cleanse both the body and the mind as well as increase your metabolism. There will be plenty of time to relax in between, as well as maybe a massage or two ! R2995.00

7th – 10th December at Donkieskraal

This is a back to basics yoga retreat ! Strengthen your support system, learn to move with stability and balanced execution of the asanas. Get in touch with your core, the secret to a stable and strong body, well prepared for any movements required of it. R2200.00

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Vegetarian bean tortillas

For the tortillas : 2 cups flour, 1/4 cup butter, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup warm water. Place flour, salt, bp and diced butter in a bowl. Rub together until looks like fine breadcrumbs. Make a well and add water. Knead into a dough and leave to rest a while.
Bean mix : Lightly fry 1 onion chopped, add 1 clove garlic, strips of soya, 1 tin mixed beans ( washed and drained )1/2 cup of red wine, 2 tablespoons tomato paste, 1.2 teaspoon brown sugar and 1/2 cup vegetable stock. Simmer gently until most of the liquid is cooked away.
Roll out tortillas, to the size of your pan, cook gently on both sides and wrap in foil to stay warm and soft.
Serve with shredded lettuce, gaucomole, vegan cheese and vegan cream. Simply delicious. !!!
Serves 4

Monday, September 27, 2010

As requested some photos of India

These 2 rivers join at Devraprag and they then become the famous Ganges.

This man cycled me all around Amritsar, sometimes I walked and helped him push the bike up steep inclines.

Something not to miss, Sunset at the back of the Tal Mahal.

India"s Laundromat.

Why Yoga ???

“Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow.
"Swami Satyananda Saraswati"
Yoga is a science of correct living, it is meant to be incorporated into daily life. It works on all aspects of the person ie. the physical, mental, emotional and the spiritual. The word Yoga, means unity and comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to join. So Yoga is a means of balancing and harmonising the body, mind and emotions. The science of yoga begins to work on the outermost aspect of the personality, the physical body. When imbalances occur at this level, the organs, muscles and nerves are moved out of balance from harmony into a disharmonious state. The efficiency of these systems begin to decrease and eventually disease will manifest somewhere. Yoga aims to bring the different bodily functions into perfect balance so they work optimally. Yoga then moves to work on the mental and emotional levels. We are all a result of our experiences, good and bad ones, and as such experience phobias, stresses and neuroses. Yoga does not promise a cure for life but it does offer a proven method for coping with it. Yoga is not just a class full of people, moving from one posture into another, it has 8 aspects to it. It is in fact known as “ the eight fold path “ which comes from the Sanskrit word : Ashtanga. All of these are equally important to understand in order to maximize the benefits of the practice. Hatha Yoga is the most widely studied style of Yoga, it is also the most traditional. The word Hatha, is derived from Ha – meaning Sun and Tha- meaning Moon.

Friday, September 17, 2010

De-tox Yoga retreat

Due to popular demand we are repeating our de-tox yoga retreat in Tulbagh at the Blue Butterfly. As requested we are hosting this one over a weekend.  This is not a fast, it is a series of yoga postures, coupled together with nutritious meals, to aid the elimination of the toxins from the body. We will have daily meditations, 2 x yoga classes and time to relax and enjoy the tranquility of this serene environment.
Date : 15th - 17th October
Cost : R 1100.00 all inclusive ( accom. meals, classes etc )
There will be an optional extra, a full body exfoliation and massage for R195. Space limited so book early !

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Unbelievably delicious !!!

Kholombo powder : Take 1 T sunflower oil, lightly fry 2 T split channa dal until brown. Reduce heat and add 2 t coriander seeds, 8 curry leaves, 2 t cumin seeds, 4 cloves, 1 t peppercorns and 2 cm cinnamon, fry for about 1 minute. Add 3 T desiccated coconut and fry until brown. Allow mixture to cool and then grind to a powder in a blender. Store in an airtight jar and use within 3 months. The following recipe uses it and makes for a truly heavenly flavour.
Smoky lentils with tomato kholombo :
Boil 225g red lentils and simmer until mushy and cooked. Add salt to taste, 1 t tamarind that has been dissolved in 4 t water, 3 ripe tomatoes and 1 t kholombo powder.Simmer for a few minutes and then remove from heat. Heat 2 T sunflower oil, add half t mustard seeds, when they crackle add 1 dry red chilly broken into pieces,(more if you like hotter )large pinch of asafoetida and 12 curry leaves. Pour this over the lentils, mix well and serve with basmati rice and hot pickle relish.
T = Tablespoon
t = teaspoon
Enjoy !

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Feeling sluggish, bloated, depressed, just not yourself ........ ??

Then this is for you, Inspire yourself. As we start to wind down towards the end of winter, as the sun slowly rises earlier each day, so our energy levels start to rise. Over the cold winter months it is natural to indulge in the "comfort " foods, this helps us to stay warm, remain happier and better manage the short days and long nights. With Spring approaching, it is the perfect time for us to shake off the bad habits,  to cleanse and re-juvenate for the balmy days ahead. To give us a kick start, we are hosting a Hatha Yoga de-tox retreat 6th - 9th September in the beautiful, tranquil surroundings in Tulbagh at the Blue Butterfly retreat centre. We will enjoy nutritious meals, great smoothies, yoga postures to aid the process and time to walk in the mountains, breathe in the fresh air and simply, Relax with nature.
If this inspires you contact us on cheryl@sayogasafaris.com or call 0840902083
All inclusive R1400

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thought for today !

Our lives begin to end the moment we start to be silent about the things that matter .
Martin Luther King.
 Lets make a difference, no matter how small a beginning, change starts within :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to Basics yoga retreat Tulbagh

Only 3 places left for Back to Basics yoga retreat in Tulbagh on the 23rd-26th August. The focus is on the strengthening of our support system ( the spine ), everything it affects, as well as the general maintenance of this structure. We are only as old as our backs ! Learn how to keep flexible and strong, balanced and grounded. This is for all ages, mainly targeting sedentary people, people with injuries or overweight and not willing to join a large  group session. Personalised attention is guaranteed. All accommodation, meals and course for R1400.00 Contact cheryl on info@sayogasafaris.com for bookings.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Parkinsons disease

Parkinsons disease is a debilitating disease mainly effecting the aged but has been known to hit people as young as mid thirty. It is not yet known what causes this disease. It is understood what causes the symptons though. Symptoms are : impaired speech, impaired ability to think, respond, walk properly, physical movement is impaired and probably the worst is the continued shakiness. The physical body is twisted and in a kind of permanent spasm so all movements are hampered.
The brain produces a neuro-transmitter called dopamine, when this disease strikes, the dopamine is greatly reduced. It is necessary for functioning of the nervous system, particularly the central nervous system, hence the side effects. It is a painful and frustrating disease for all the family and loved ones involved. I believe the deterioration  can be slowed down to a certain point, and have experimented for 18 months with a neighbour of mine. We started with simple movements, slowly working towards more demanding, yet still manageable yogic postures. I will post the movements and some photos in a day or two.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Yoga On A Rock

                                                                   Yoga On A Rock
Come celebrate spring - 8 guests only. Join us for a few days of solitude, peace, gentle yoga and nutritious meals.Walk in the veld, enjoy game drive, laze in spring sunshine and indulge in therapeutic treatments. All ages welcome. Date : 30/8 - 2/9   Venue : Donkieskraal - Sandveld   Cost R2000 all inclusive (private accom.)  To book cheryl@sayogasafaris.com or 0840902083

This says it all!

To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.
             Ralp Waldo emerson

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Eco friendly

Hey guys, buy white vineagar in bulk and use it to clean kitchen surfaces, clean smelly drains, whiten wash cloths, spray on weeds and lighten the load on our Mother Earth. :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Life unfolds through the mysteries of the journey. As we walk towards a new beginning we will find revelations of our spiritual essence and beauty, our hearts open to eternity.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Next yoga retreat

                   Yoga Retreat      Blue Butterfly -Tulbagh
                             Come join us for a post soccer, healthy yoga retreat 27- 29 July
                           Take 3 days to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy peace and tranquility.
                                   Accommodation, food and classes only R1400
                           0840902083 or mail cheryl@sayogasafaris.com to book

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thought for the weekend

       Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion
      It is the most valuble inheritance of the present
It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow
                                                Swami Satyanadaji

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Divine tofu burgers

I thought I would share this with anyone interested :
The amounts really depend on how many you need to feed, so use your own initiative. I made about 7 patties out of the recipe below.
1/3 of a block of organic tofu
1 onion
handful of whole almonds
1 clove of garlic
1 slice whole wheat bread
1/3 tin of red kidney beans
tablespoon of fresh mint
tablespoon of fresh coriander
salt and pepper
1 teaspoon of egg replacement
2 tablespoons of water
Blend them all together until smooth
Add about 3 Tablespoons flour and chill for about an hour.
Drop tablespoons of mix into small amount of oil and fry until golden brown on both sides.
I steamed some home grown broccoli, potato and carrots with this and served with some salsa.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yoga 4 surfers

Any surfers out there wanting to improve their prformance ? Yoga will help you warm up gently and safely before your surf, stretch correctly after surfing and help keep you sane and fit when there's no surf. It is a simple and safe, yet effective recipe. The movements are specific for the muscles used during surfing. These movements strengthen, tone and prepare the muscles correctly so the body is ready for your session, functions better and decreases the chance of injury. When a surfer is injured, it takes anything from 1 week to a month, sometimes more, to recuperate. It therefore makes perfect sense to learn how to warm up and cool down effectively. For information on how to arrange a workshop in your area mail us at cheryl@sayogasafaris.com or call 0840902083

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A great vegan recipe - Dahi Poha

- 3 cups beaten rice (Poha)

- 1 ½ cups yogurt

- ½ cup pomegranate

- 5-6 curry leaves

- Salt

- Sugar

- ½ teaspoon cumin

- ½ teaspoon coriander

- 1/8 of asafoetida

- 2 tablespoons oil

1) Heat oil and add mustard seed

2) When mustard seeds have popped add cumin, asafoetida and curry leaves

3) Mix in Poha and yogurt into oil – is poha soaked in yogurt first?

4) Add salt, sugar, and pomegranate

5) Serve with coconut and coriander

Monday, June 21, 2010

A typical day in an Ashram in India

Hari Om

You wake up to the sound of bells ringing three times, it’s dark outside, it’s 5am exactly. You have half an hour to brush your teeth, wash your face, dress and complete any other necessary ablutions. All this is no easy task when there are four of you, one basin and one toilet (and all women).

Yoga teacher in India

There is also never any guarantee there will be power. Most mornings you prepare for the day by torchlight.

There is also a rule of silence in the mornings, which is actually really good. It is nice to wake up slowly, take your time to contemplate your day ahead, no need for meaningless chatter just to be polite.

The holy town of Devraprag where the Ganges River originate

When this ritual is complete, you make your way to the kitchen area for a quick cup of spiced Indian tea (if you have managed to dress in time because 5.30 is chanting time and you don’t want to be late for this).

We fill the hall, everyone is wrapped up warmly, seated in the cross-legged or lotus position and very ready to start the day. The chanting is done in Sanskrit, in the beginning it’s most intimidating but you cannot believe how quickly you pick it up. By the end of the first week, you proudly chant away, eyes closed, no need to read the prayers on the wall or in your books. You are also much more comfortable sitting in the half or full lotus position throughout the session after the first few days. The energy generated by 30 people chanting prayers of universal peace, or repeating the Omkhar sound, has to be experienced to be believed !

At 6am we start the 2 hour Asana session. This is led by one teacher with at least 2 to 3 others patrolling the room to correct or help wherever necessary. Within minutes into the session, you are warm, ready to practice and fully focused.

Once Asana class is finished we all participate in an hour of Karma or Seva yoga. This entails doing anything which is required around the Ashram such as preparing breakfast, washing floors, cleaning the garden etc. This is what you make of it. I saw many arguments rising from lack of communication and learnt a lot about ourselves from this.

Karma Yoga
At 9am we sit down for Breakfast. All meals are eaten in silence, this is amazing and really makes you aware of eating your food. You get the hang of this very quickly and it too becomes most enjoyable. I found I ate a lot less after the first few meals. All the meals have an option of vegetarian or full vegan. The food is delicious, varied, lots of fresh fruit and always more than enough.

The system of cleaning dishes is easy, one large basin with a few taps, soap and cloths. As you finished eating you wash your own utensils, rinse and dry. This way everyone does it well as you never know which plate or fork you will get next mealtime.

Kitchen work

After breakfast is the best time of the day, as we attend a half hour of Yoga Nidra or relaxation. This usually takes you to about 10.30 and then its lecture time. These go on until around 12 midday. By now the temperature is rising fast, it starts becoming hard to stay awake no matter how interesting the lecture is.

Lunch is at 12.30 most days and then you have study time until 3.00pm.(most of the time you need a little siesta).

3.00 until 4.30 is once again lectures and then you have 2 more hours of Asana practice.

6.30 is meditation time. This is great and also varied.

7.30 is dinner time and the last commitment of the day is from 8.30 to 9.00pm in the hall for group discussions and questions. This was a fun time of the day, lots of entertaining stories but I can honestly say, by then you are very ready for your narrow, hard bed.

Indian Chefs

The entire experience cannot be described as each person gains from this what they need to learn for themselves. Personally, I learned to be quiet, eat slowly, be grateful for everything and to love, unconditionally, my fellow beings. I realized that we are all right where we are supposed to be right now.
I highly recommend the experience, it’s priceless.

Hari Om Tat Sat

Lord Shiva

Our Yoga teachers

A great Vegan Recipe - Lentil Spread or Patè

- 250 g cooked lentils

- 1 clove garlic

- Half a fresh chilli

- Half cup each of sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds

- A little coconut milk to blend into a smooth pate or spread

Place all the above in a blender until a smooth paste is formed

Add salt and pepper to taste

Delicious on rice cakes with slice avocado


A great Vegan Recipe - Lentil Dahl

- 250g cooked lentils

- 2 T avocado oil in fry pan

Add 1 t jeera seeds, 2 cardammon seeds cracked open, freshly grated nutmeg, handful curry leaves, half t turmeric, half t mustard seeds & 3 or 4 pieces dried mace to the oil.

When they start to pop add 1 chopped onion and cook until fully glazed - adding water if too dry.
Add 4 -5 freshly diced tomatoes, some marrows, carrots and whatever other vegetables you want (1 clove garlic and a small chilli chopped finely is optional but very tasty).

Fry together for a few minutes and then slowly add your coconut milk (1 tin)

Add 2T tomato paste and 1t garam masala as well as half t fenugreek leaves.
Add this to the lentils and cook together for further 10 minutes.
Salt to taste and serve with pompadoms or on brown rice.

(T = tablespoon t = teaspoon)

Welcome to Southern Africa Yoga Safaris!

A brief introduction to your instructor

I am a qualified personal trainer, fitness instructor, jazz dance teacher and massage therapist. I resumed practicing yoga 7 years ago after which teacher training followed quite naturally. I have been to India twice and completed my teachers training in Nasik, with the Yoga Vidya Gurukul.

My experience of Ashram life was so enlightening that I want to share it with as many people as possible. Yogic life in the Ashram, emphasises all aspects of yoga . Such as the Yama, Niyamas, Asana and Pranayama . More often than not, Western classes only have time to focus on the Asanas and a few Pranayama techniques.

Washing day on the banks of the Ganges River

With the pressures of modern lifestyles, I realize not everyone has 6 weeks to dedicate solely to the practice of yoga. For this reason I condensed a course into 5 days and combined it with a unique African experience. The lessons are the same as in the Ashram, the healing benefits just as profound. Hopefully a new routine will be started and continued indefinitely. The benefits of self discipline and self realization are infinite.

My first step into the Ganges

You will leave the course equipped with knowledge and methods for maintaining optimum health as well as stress management. For those of you already travelling this route, I hope to further your enjoyment of this wonderful practice.

I look forward to meeting with you all, let’s work together for the advancement of peace and harmony for our beautiful planet and all who dwell on her !