Parkinsons disease is a debilitating disease mainly effecting the aged but has been known to hit people as young as mid thirty. It is not yet known what causes this disease. It is understood what causes the symptons though. Symptoms are : impaired speech, impaired ability to think, respond, walk properly, physical movement is impaired and probably the worst is the continued shakiness. The physical body is twisted and in a kind of permanent spasm so all movements are hampered.
The brain produces a neuro-transmitter called dopamine, when this disease strikes, the dopamine is greatly reduced. It is necessary for functioning of the nervous system, particularly the central nervous system, hence the side effects. It is a painful and frustrating disease for all the family and loved ones involved. I believe the deterioration can be slowed down to a certain point, and have experimented for 18 months with a neighbour of mine. We started with simple movements, slowly working towards more demanding, yet still manageable yogic postures. I will post the movements and some photos in a day or two.
Lets see the photos