
Welcome to Southern Africa Yoga Safari's Blog!

Browse this page for news and latest information on Southern Africa Yoga Safaris. We will also be posting our next events, retreats and safaris on this page.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

De-tox weekend Tulbagh

We had a wonderful weekend , yet again, at the Blue Butterfly in Tulbagh. The mornings and evenings were crispy cold but the days were warm and relaxing. The energy of the great group of people, mixed with the tranquil surroundings, made for a relaxing yet energising weekend ! Many thanks to all in the group for all your energy and input ! I attach a few photos for your viewing :)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Cheryl,
    Thank you for a divine experience and weekend!
    It was my first with both SA Yoga Safaris as well as with Blue Butterfly, but definitely not the last ...
    .. the setting, the surroundings, the arrangement, the spirit and the ambiance provided a physical and mental retreat beyond expectation. In the loving company of you all it will keep me in good spirits for a long, long time and
    I'm grateful!
    Thank you Cheryl and all, and till we meet again keep well - with love, Marie
