
Welcome to Southern Africa Yoga Safari's Blog!

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Back to basics.....

Back to Basics

When we are born, we are soft and flexible;

When we die we grow hard and rigid,

So it is with all things under this heaven.

Plants and animals are soft and pliant in life;

But brittle and dry in death.

Truly to be dry and rigid is the way of death;

To be soft and flexible is the way of life.

(Tao Teh Ting)

Considering we are only as old as we feel, it is essential to feel youthful, flexible and energized.

Regular practice of just a few Yoga movements can achieve this for everyone.

By spending between 10-20 minutes daily, you can spare yourselves hours of pain and discomfort.

All you need is the will to learn the few movements and the discipline to practice them !

It’s really that simple !!

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