
Welcome to Southern Africa Yoga Safari's Blog!

Browse this page for news and latest information on Southern Africa Yoga Safaris. We will also be posting our next events, retreats and safaris on this page.

We will also be updating this page regularly with exciting articles, vegan recipes and other bits of information, so be sure to bookmark this page and check back soon!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Feeling sluggish, bloated, depressed, just not yourself ........ ??

Then this is for you, Inspire yourself. As we start to wind down towards the end of winter, as the sun slowly rises earlier each day, so our energy levels start to rise. Over the cold winter months it is natural to indulge in the "comfort " foods, this helps us to stay warm, remain happier and better manage the short days and long nights. With Spring approaching, it is the perfect time for us to shake off the bad habits,  to cleanse and re-juvenate for the balmy days ahead. To give us a kick start, we are hosting a Hatha Yoga de-tox retreat 6th - 9th September in the beautiful, tranquil surroundings in Tulbagh at the Blue Butterfly retreat centre. We will enjoy nutritious meals, great smoothies, yoga postures to aid the process and time to walk in the mountains, breathe in the fresh air and simply, Relax with nature.
If this inspires you contact us on cheryl@sayogasafaris.com or call 0840902083
All inclusive R1400

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thought for today !

Our lives begin to end the moment we start to be silent about the things that matter .
Martin Luther King.
 Lets make a difference, no matter how small a beginning, change starts within :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to Basics yoga retreat Tulbagh

Only 3 places left for Back to Basics yoga retreat in Tulbagh on the 23rd-26th August. The focus is on the strengthening of our support system ( the spine ), everything it affects, as well as the general maintenance of this structure. We are only as old as our backs ! Learn how to keep flexible and strong, balanced and grounded. This is for all ages, mainly targeting sedentary people, people with injuries or overweight and not willing to join a large  group session. Personalised attention is guaranteed. All accommodation, meals and course for R1400.00 Contact cheryl on info@sayogasafaris.com for bookings.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Parkinsons disease

Parkinsons disease is a debilitating disease mainly effecting the aged but has been known to hit people as young as mid thirty. It is not yet known what causes this disease. It is understood what causes the symptons though. Symptoms are : impaired speech, impaired ability to think, respond, walk properly, physical movement is impaired and probably the worst is the continued shakiness. The physical body is twisted and in a kind of permanent spasm so all movements are hampered.
The brain produces a neuro-transmitter called dopamine, when this disease strikes, the dopamine is greatly reduced. It is necessary for functioning of the nervous system, particularly the central nervous system, hence the side effects. It is a painful and frustrating disease for all the family and loved ones involved. I believe the deterioration  can be slowed down to a certain point, and have experimented for 18 months with a neighbour of mine. We started with simple movements, slowly working towards more demanding, yet still manageable yogic postures. I will post the movements and some photos in a day or two.